lördag 21 december 2013

Jullov motherfuckers!

Yes, finally it is da freakinga jullovet here again! Tre dagar kvar till julafton, och jag har inte ens köpt klart julklappar....Någon vit jul lär det ju inte bli heller, inte torr heller för den delen...Måste köpa tomtemössa med...Tur att man ska till Allum/Nordstan imon då!

Kladdade lite innan, såhär blev resultatet,

Every day, every moment
anytime, anytime
anywhere, anywhere
No matter what I feel
if i'm sad
if i'm happy
You're in my head
You're in my heart
you always are
Without you, by my side
Without you, right next to me
When I can't see you anymore
When I can't hear you anymore
Life has no meaning 
The years will go by, and I will always know
that it always be my fault
for didn't do more


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